If you’re looking to throw a successful party in your apartment, it’s a great idea to plan ahead. Hosting can take a lot of time and effort, but making a checklist now can help you stay organized. Plus, parties in apartment buildings require a few extra steps to be respectful of your neighbors and lease rules. 

Plan your party in advance. 

Hosting a party can be a lot of work, but it’s worth it to see all your friends and family gathered together in one place. Here are some tips to help you get started. 

  • Plan your menu and drinks ahead of time. This will save you time on the day of the party.  
  • Ask guests to RSVP so you know how much food and drink you’ll need. 
  • Decide on a theme for the party, if desired. This can help you plan decorations, music, and activities.  
  • Make a list of things you’ll need to set up the party space, such as tables, chairs, linens, centerpieces, etc.  
  • Talk to your neighbors and let them know when you’ll be having the party. A heads up helps if you think the party will be a little louder than the typical noise level of your building. 
  • Clean your apartment before the party starts! Nothing ruins a party like having to clean up messes while everyone is still there. 

Choose food and drinks that can be served without taking up too much space. 

When throwing a party in a small space like an apartment, it’s important to serve food and drinks that don’t take up too much room. 

  • Serve finger foods instead of full meals. This will help guests eat without taking up too much space.  
  • Serve drinks in small cups or glasses instead of large pitchers or bottles. This will help prevent guests from taking up too much space with their drink containers.  
  • Serve snacks and appetizers that can be eaten without utensils. This will help keep the party area clean and free of messes.
  • Offer disposable cups and plates. Then you have enough for everyone and don’t have to clean them at the end of the night. 

Keep the guest list manageable. 

The more people you have in your apartment, the more noise that will happen. Try to keep the number of guests to a manageable amount. Think of how many seats you can fit in your apartment, so everyone has a place to sit and enjoy. 

Make sure you know the building rules. 

Some apartment complexes change their quiet hours on the weekend, so you can have your guests over for longer than a normal weekday. If the party goes past that time, just be aware of the noise level. Maybe turn down the music and keep everyone to one room where you can chat. This will help ensure that everyone has a good time and that no one gets in trouble with management.    

Keep noise levels down by limiting music and conversation volume. 

Even during normal hours, people want to relax in their home with some peace and quiet. Parties can be a lot of fun, but they can also be disruptive to your neighbors if you’re not careful. Giving neighbors a heads up helps so they expect a little more noise, but try to still be respectful of the volume. 

Have people clean up their own messes as they go instead of waiting until later.  

This will help keep the party area clean and free of clutter. Have a trash can set out so people know where to throw their cups and plates, and ask that they be careful of spilling. Hopefully you’ll have a few friends who will be willing to stay after the help pick up. As the host, it’s okay to ask for help. 

We hope you enjoy the holiday season and any celebrations you may hold. If you’re looking for an apartment in the Twin Cities metro, give us a call. Tycon Companies manages nine unique properties in the area, so you can find one for your personality and budget.