With the weather warming up, we’re entering the prime season of apartment hunting and moving. Typically, from May to September is one of the best times to look for a new apartment because there’s higher turnover and more availability. Some renters find this fast-paced period intimidating, however, so we have some tips to follow when searching for a new place during busy season.

Make a list.

Since there’s more inventory that’s moving quickly from vacant to occupied, it’s best to know exactly what you’re looking for so you can streamline your time. When doing research, make sure your top picks have all or most of the things you’re looking for in an apartment. Sometimes a place could pleasantly surprise you or you’re willing to compromise on a few things, so it doesn’t have to be an exact match. However, schedule your time wisely so you can view the apartments you’re most interested in and hopefully make a quicker final decision.

Start looking at the end of the month.

Most leases will expire at the end of the month and require a 30 day notice, so more apartments will appear on the market during that time. If you begin your search during that time, you’ll have more options to look at as soon as they go up. That gives you a better chance of getting that dream apartment if you’re one of the first to pounce on it. 

Make a timeline.

Plan out a timeline to help get organized. When does your own lease end if you’re currently in one? When do you have to give notice? Are you willing to do all of that apartment hunting work in a month, or should you start a month ahead? Give yourself reminders or set up a Google alert if you have an apartment building you’ve been eyeing, and maybe they’ll have some openings at an opportune time. Either way, this will help ease some of the stress if you know more about the timing of your apartment hunting process.

Contact apartment properties directly.

If you can, call the property management to set up your viewing to ensure you get a timely response. While management will most likely be checking their email or rental sites multiple times a day, a call will often be the quickest way to ensure you get on their schedule. The busy season plus managing day-to-day tasks most likely means they’ll be in and out of the office, so don’t be afraid to leave a message if they don’t answer. Email would be the best second option if you don’t hear back from them.

There are many advantages to apartment hunting during the peak season and some disadvantages as well. We hope these top tips will help you feel a little less stressed during this time of transition. If you’re located in the Twin Cities, Tycon Companies manages nine different properties across the metro, so give us a call if you would like to check on availability.