Moving is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn’t have to be a stressful event! Most of the time, for renters especially, you’ll have a month or more in between one place and the next to plan and organize. Here are some tips to help you have a better moving experience:

  • Declutter. The less you have to move with, the less you have to box up and transfer. Depending on how much you get rid of (like if you chose to use a new place as the opportunity to buy new furniture), you could save money on renting a moving truck or a moving company as well.
  • Find free moving boxes. Ask your local grocery store or wholesale supplier if you could use their empty boxes. Or, if you have a good existing relationship with another shop, they might also have some boxes for you to use. If you’re interested in investing, you could also consider buying some plastic bins. Then you can simply keep them in storage at your new place.
  • Better to be prepared than sorry. Ease some of the stress of moving by starting to pack around 2 weeks before the move. Make sure you don’t pack something you’ll need in the meantime and focus on decor instead. You should also make sure you leave yourself enough time to either schedule a moving company or a moving truck.
  • Double check with the office. You should check in with your property manager to make sure you understand how the lease defines what you have to do before officially moving out. You could also ask if they could come by for a walk through to make sure you’ve got it all covered.
  • Use linens as buffers. As you’re packing up the more breakable stuff (such as plates and bowls) you can use your towels or sheets to help protect them during the move. This helps ensure your stuff makes it to the new apartment safely, and you’re using objects that would be packed up anyway.
  • Transfer your utilities. Make sure you call your internet and cable companies to let them know you’re moving and schedule an installation appointment for your new place.
  • Update your renter’s insurance. Make sure you’re insured the day you move in in case of any unforeseen accidents.
  • Clean your apartment. Deep cleaning your old apartment will help improve the chance you get your full deposit back.
  • Document move out conditions. In case your previous office has any questions about how you left a part of the apartment after moving out, pictures will help clear up any confusion.

We hope these tips and tricks help you move with less worry! If you want to Love Where You Live, check out the nine apartment properties Tycon Companies manages in the Twin Cities.